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Manual Therapy 

The term “manual therapy” refers to hands-on treatment of muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints. Manual therapy encompasses a plethora of sophisticated techniques in an effort to provide more focal remedy to the treatment area, while decreasing pain and increasing function. While exercise is helpful in utilizing your body's physiology to achieve a goal, manual therapy assists in expediting healing and pain relief by decreasing inflammation, increasing range of motion, as well as modulate neural pathways to the brain. 


The following are a few of the manual techniques used at Paramount Rehabilitation:



Mobilization is a graded passive movement applied to synovial joint in an effort to increase range of motion and mobility of said joints. Depending on the grade, mobilization can be very gentle providing pain-relief, or increased velocity oscillations to increase range, reset muscle tone, and increase tissue repair.


Muscle Energy Technique

Muscle Energy Technique (MET), is the use of your own muscles, functioning as agonists and antagonists to correct an asymmetry. Asymmetries exist in pelvic alignment, as well as muscular tone and definition. With this technique, the body is able to utilize muscular contractions to restore normal physiological tone and function, as well as decrease pain and increase mobility.


Myofascial Release

Myofascial release refers to sustained pressure over a point of connective tissue that inhibits full muscle contraction, decreases motion, and may be very painful. With this technique, the Physical Therapist is able to utilize palpation skills to locate the point of disturbance in an otherwise healthy muscle tissue. With sustained gentle pressure, the myofascial point is released, and the muscle and fascia resume function pain-free.


Strain-Counter Strain

This manual therapy technique is used to treat muscle and joint pain and dysfunction, through the body's own resources. It uses passive body positioning of spasmed muscles and dysfunctional joints toward positions of comfort or tissue ease that compress or shorten the pain causing structure. During the procedure, the involved tissue is positioned into a shortened and relaxed state, which in turn alleviates spasms. Thus, the structure is no longer irritated, and allows local areas of inflammation, trapped within the painful tissue to dissipate. Following this "release" there is an immediate reduction of pain and tension in the involved tissue. This relaxation aims to restore normal joint mobility and release other structures in the region that may have been compressed.


Soft Tissue Mobilization

The favored technique of all patients, Soft Tissue Mobilization is a therapeutic massage that aims to placate irritated tissue, subside hyperanalgesic conduction, calm the excessively aroused system, while also breaking up adhesions and restoring normal tissue function and healing. 


Kinesio and Stability Taping

These taping methods assist in decreasing pain by adding stability to structures, such as arthritic knees or fwd shoulders. Furthermore, kineo taping may assist in tissue activation or inhibition, depending on the state said tissue is in. Patients tend to feel continued decrease in pain and improvement in function while tape is applied, which may assist in mobility, particularly weight bearing. 





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